Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Spring Pillow Covers

Moving to a new house gave me a clean slate for decorating. The couch came with matching pillows but they had a contemporary circle design in rusts and orange which do not go with my new beach cottage look. So using Kimberley's tutorial and the video from CityLine, I made covers for the 2 pillows that came with the couch with this springy fabric. It was on sale a few weeks at JoAnn's for 40% off so it came to about $7, I think.

They turned out great but needed some company. So a little bit of calico fabric (also on sale) and some larger sized pillow inserts turned into these.
These were so easy to make! It really did only take about 5 minutes (after I ironed the fabric and pressed the hems.) I plan to make covers for summer, fall, and winter too! For now, this is the spring version.

Linking up for all these fun parties.


  1. beautiful!! I LOVE pillows...and that's a great price!!

    Thanks so much for linking to "20 Below Thursday"! :)

  2. Hi Jennifer, thanks so much for stopping by to visit my blog. What a great deal you got on that fabric. And you did a great job on them!
    Marianne :)


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