Thursday, December 1, 2011

Weekly School Summaries - Norway (November 14 - December 2)

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 With the Thanksgiving holiday, we had a shorter week last week and did some combining with our MFW curriculum. Here's what we got done:

Math: Similar to usual. Tenor had regular lessons each week. Soprano had regular lessons each week and some time to play computer math games. She's beginning to learn how to measure in feet.

Reading and Language Arts: Soprano finished Ox-Cart Man  from 'Across the Centuries' with an evaluation, then started on The Snowy Day. She had an opposites worksheet, a chalk snowman craft, map and animal footprints activities. She finished up The Snowy Day with a couple evaluations and then started The Hundred Penny Box.
J's animal tracks matching activity

Soprano is continuing well through her Phonics book. We're reviewing beginning and ending blends.
Her English work is moving into learning different types of nouns (people, places, things, and common and proper) and verbs. She sailed through the first Unit tests wonderfully.
We continued the new spelling curriculum, doubling up on some lessons to catch up. We'll start moving a little more slowly now that the word lists are getting a little harder. She finished through Lesson 7 this week. Her overall spelling is showing much improvement too.

Tenor continued with his 'A Reason for Handwriting C' and 'Writing Strands.'
He finished The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe from 'Across the Centuries C Level 1' and turned his finished worksheets into a mini book at the end of the unit. Now we're almost through Stone Fox, which we've discovered is a lot like the movie "Iron Will." It's interesting how much they took from the book but how much they varied the story in the film.
T's Stone Fox vocabulary
English (Rod and Staff Level 4) and Spelling (Rod and Staff Level 4) are going well. He's diagramming sentences with compound subjects or verbs.

Typer Island for their typing instruction and continuing with SOS Elementary Spanish.

They had a few worksheets about the teeth they've lost or grown, the different jobs teeth do, and how to brush and floss.

Phys Ed.: A little bit of bike and scooter riding on the warm-ish days we had and some more soccer. We used Wii Fit to do some of the snow sports to coincide with our studies about Norway.

Bible: The past three weeks included:
Reading about Romania and Bulgaria
Reading Matthew 8:5-9:17
Memorizing Matthew 5:44-45

Reading about the People and Places, Nature, Farming and Industry of Northern Europe
Coloring the Norwegian flag and writing down interesting facts about it.
Illustrating notecards for fjord, promontory, lake, and stream
And playing the geography game with North and South America and adding Europe.

Tenor's Europe pages from World Geography were Physical Features, Rivers, Mountains, and Bodies of Water.

Science: Discussion on the Northern Evergreen Forests, Seasonal Changes, and Animals' Seasonal Behaviors.

Soprano started working on the Reptile animal pages from The Complete Book of Animals.
We also did some tree activities: measuring the girth and height of trees and identifying trees while blindfolded.
Other MFW: Wee sing: Row, Row, Little Frogs, The Mulberry Bush, and The Circle Goes Around.
For more music, we listened to music by Edvard Grieg.
Art: I didn't have boxes or chests to do the rosemaling craft but we did have 2 unfinished picture frames from a Home Depot kids event, so they painted those. We also did the Lapland felt squares.
Rosemaling: Soprano's on the left; Tenor's on the right
Lapland squares: Soprano's on the left; Tenor's on the right
To fill in a bit, we read other books about northern European countries and borrowed DVDs from the library. We focused on Finland, Sweden, Iceland, England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.

We had planned to go to Ikea to have Swedish meatballs in the food court but time-wise, we just couldn't make it work. It's an hour and a half drive and we couldn't find a time other than Thanksgiving weekend. Not doing that on Black Friday!

The days go by and the finished work piles up. It's hard to believe it's December already and Christmas is around the corner. We're excited!

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Disclaimer: I'm an Amazon affiliate now so clicking on links to Amazon and then purchasing items will put a few pennies into our piggy bank for future homeschool purchases. Thank you!

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