Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Winter Mantel with a Pinecone Garland

I've been wanting to make a pinecone garland since last winter when I saw this pretty one online. 
Lovely, isn't it? Last year, we were still in the midst of mega house renovations and unpacking so decorating, let alone a craft project, last winter was not even close to being on the to-do list. This year is a different story though. Putting this together was so super easy. I got a pack of eyelets at Hobby Lobby and a bag of cinnamon scented pine cones on Christmas clearance at Michaels. Total cost: about $2.00.

Step One: screw the little eyelet into the pinecone.
It'll be a little off center because unless you want to break out the power tools, you won't be able to get it in the hard center part. (You might notice in the pic that these pokey little things gave me a slight injury. So be careful!)

Step Two: Thread a ribbon through the eyelets. I had some light cream grosgrain ribbon in my stash so this part was free.
Step Three: Hang.

The rest of my winter mantel came together rather easily. The theme is a brown, cream/white, birds, pinecone mash-up. I started with 2 strands of brown twig and berry garland from my stash and tucked in a strand of white Christmas lights. I used 2 Ikea candle cups to prop up some pinecone leftovers. Assorted taper candles and holders came out of my stash as did a candy jar holding mini pine cones. I kept my Christmas wreath up since the colors are so muted, and it has pinecones on it.
I found the little white tree candles and white flocked birds at a local craft/gift shop. They opened a temporary location in our mall and had a big post-Christmas clearance sale.
The 2 cloches came from my December beach trip. Super, super cheap. I'm sure I'll find lots of uses for them. The white snowflakes were Christmas decor that I re-purposed.
My little ladder made friends with my ice skates on the hearth.
And my prim snowman pillow is hanging out in the basket on the other side.
The dining room stayed mostly the same from Christmas. I just replaced the cloche and mini tree with a smaller cloche and dish and a couple of pine cones on the window sill. 
I love having a mantel to change out for the seasons. It's a nice transition from all the glitz of Christmas into the serenity of winter days. And here it is all glowy...

Linking up to some or all of these great blog parties:
Sunday: Sunday Showcase at Under the Table and Dreaming;
Monday: Amaze Me Monday at Dittle Dattle;
Tuesday: One Project at a Time at A Bowl Full of Lemons; Tuesday's Treasures at My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia; Show Me What Ya Got at Not Just a Housewife;
Wednesday: Wicked Awesome Wednesday at Handy Man, Crafty Woman; It's Overflowing at Overflowing with Creativity; Whatever Goes Wednesday at Someday Crafts;
Home Decor & Organizing at Organize and Decorate Everything;

Thursday: Delightfully Inspiring Thursday at Delightful Order; Thrifty Thursday at Thrifty and Fabuless;  Transformation Thursday at The Shabby Creek Cottage;
Friday: Frugal Friday at The Shabby Nest; Flaunt it Friday at Chic on a Shoestring;


  1. Wow Jen - It looks beautiful! You really have a knack for decorating and repurposing... I just don't have that vision... Glad to see the cloches are getting a workout too :) Thanks for sharing your creativity!

    1. Awww... thanks! The cloches definitely made the mantel. :)

  2. I love pine cones - they are so simple and beautiful and FREE if you can pick them up outside - they're usually in better shape that way, too. Very nice - might have to borrow a couple of your ideas...


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