Sunday, January 1, 2012

Word Up -- 2012 Plan

I've read through the Bible in a year before but it's been awhile. I'm thinking 2012 is a great year to do it again, so I went looking for a plan. Or rather, a chart that I can cross off each day to keep myself accountable. Nothing like checked-off squares to make my Type A, goal-oriented self happy. :)
Via the stalker feed on Facebook, I found out that there's a couple of different plans out there.
Classic, chronological, Old Testament in the morning/New Testament at night, a 2-year plan, a 3-year plan, etc. Lots of choices.
Here's a great site with lots of options:

You could use a chronological Bible too. I have a Bible called Cover to Cover that has timelines and outlines surrounding each day's reading, each week's reading, and the year as a whole.
We also like the Narrated Bible in Chronological Order. It has good narrations before each reading that help explain the passage. This is what we use with the kids to start their school days.

If you prefer to get reminders via email, I found this site:
Kinda neat. Especially if you're on the computer anyways. Harder to skip if it's sitting in the inbox staring at you every morning.

My plan that I chose is possibly very appropriately named The Bible Reading Plan for Shirkers and Slackers.
The basic gist is
Sundays: Poetry
Mondays: Penteteuch (Genesis through Deuteronomy)
Tuesdays: Old Testament history
Wednesdays: Old Testament history
Thursdays: Old Testament prophets
Fridays: New Testament history and
Saturdays: New Testament epistles (letters)

I'm hoping it will be a good fit for my busy life. I hope you can find a plan that works for your life too!
Word up!

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