Thursday, April 26, 2012

Summer Garden Plans

I'm just itching to get outside again but the weather just isn't cooperating yet. My bulbs are up and blooming, and the grass is getting green. I can't wait until it warms up just a pinch so we can get the flower beds cleaned up and weeded and so we can plant some seeds together. The younglings are such a huge help outside and love, love, love to be a part of planting anything. Last year they picked out cabbage and zinnias to add to the garden.

This year because I couldn't wait any longer, I did get a couple annuals into my pot planter. The gerbera daisy was on clearance which is why it looks a little beat up. I think it'll come back. While we were at the store, I saw the cutest garden set. It comes with 4 seed packs- tomato, basil, green pepper, oregano, 8 starter pellets, 8 identification plant tags, 1 self watering starter tray, 1 large magic soil brick, and a growing box.

It comes with online access to the Growums website with games and garden tracking and other stuff. They sell smaller themed kits to grow a salad garden, a taco garden, pizza garden, herb garden, stir-fry garden, or ratatouille garden. Don't they look fun? It would be a perfect educational summer activity that wouldn't feel too school-y.

I know we could do the same type of theme garden ourselves for less money but the veggies have faces. That's hard to resist! LOL

So we'll see.... I know I want to add some annuals for summer color, fill in our relatively new beds with a few perennials, transplant some forsythia starts to begin creating a flowering hedge in the back yard, and grow a couple of easy veggies. I'm so glad my younglings will be right there enjoying the process with me!
What are your summer garden plans? Do you do veggies, flowers, or both?


  1. I grow flowers. I'm working on collecting enough cinder blocks that I can create some raised beds (Florida doesn't have soil..we have sand!) so that I can attempt veggies.

  2. Oh btw Here from the HSV Garden Challenge!


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