Friday, August 31, 2012

School Days Summary - 8/27-31/12

I respectfully ask that you not pin pictures of my children to Pinterest. Thank you!

This week we started off well and then I had to spend some time at work. That totally threw off our whole schedule. Those two days were really rough. Ugh! We were able to get back on track but we have a few things that we'll need to finish up this weekend. Here's what we did:
Things that were scheduled as usual:
Reading and Language Arts (Grammar, Spelling, Penmanship)
Tenor's reading worksheet on his hero... he chose his dad. :)
Writing for Tenor
Soprano started a new writing curriculum called Creative Writing Made Easy by New Millenium Girl Books. I got it during a currclick sale, and it is a perfect fit for her... horses and princesses.  I think it will be a gentle introduction to creative writing.
 Creative Writing Made Easy
Health: They did a worksheet on what a healthy lifestyle is.
Geography: They made a continent pie. Each slice was a representation of its land size.

My Father's World Creation to the Greeks-
Bible: We read in Genesis about the post- flood, Noah's descendants, and the Tower of Babel. We also began working on memorizing the books of the Old Testament. As we read through Genesis 10, we followed along with this Table of Nations. We mapped out the migration of Noah's sons and descendants.
Mapping out the migration of Noah's descendants
Science: We read more about how light works and tried to focus light to burn paper outside. Even though it was a super, super sunny day, it didn't work. They might try again with Daddy to see if they can get different results. Trying with mirrors:
Trying with magnifying lenses:
We also continued reading Dinosaurs of Eden and talked about dinosaurs after the flood. The kids made a mini wheel book about potential reasons for dinosaur extinction (What Happened to the Dinosaurs Wheel Book). They also had fun looking up dinosaur heights in our book basket books to fill out the Dinosaur Graph.)
History: They did a notebooking page about Noah (printable found here) and added the Tower of Babel to their timelines. We started reading about the Sumerian civilization which was one of the first. They settled in Mesopotamia, in the fertile crescent.
They also developed a system of writing using wedge-shaped characters. We went to this site to get our cuneiform monograms.
Using their cuneiform monograms, they wrote them out on "clay" tablets (sugar cookie dough.)
Tenor's attempt

Soprano's tablet
Videos watched this week:
Tower of Babel
A Summary of Mesopotamian History
Ancient Mesopotamia

Other MFW: 
Music: We finished up listening to the biography of Vivaldi. They wrote additional info from the lesson on a notebooking sheet for our portfolios.
Art: More practice with ellipses.
Phew---it was a busy week! I'm looking forward to our break next week as we head to the Creation Museum in Kentucky! I'll have lots of pics to share next week. :)

Linking up at

Disclaimer: I'm an Amazon affiliate so clicking on links to Amazon and then purchasing items will put a few pennies into our piggy bank for future homeschool purchases. Thank you!


  1. I hate it when kinks get thrown into our plans :( Looks like you guys had a great week despite it though :)

  2. Hi! I am stopping by from the MFW Blogroll and co-hosting the My Father's World Homeschool Highlights this school year with Monica @ DiscoverTheirGifts. This is where MFW families connect weekly, or as often as you like, to share what we are doing in our schools. The first one is September 8, the info is on my blog. I hope you join us!


    ps: We are doing CtG this year also! I hope you have a great year!

  3. Looks like your family is having a great time with the projects. We are doing CtG also.



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