Wednesday, January 9, 2013

DIY Martial Arts Belt Display Holder

In my homeschool summaries, I mentioned that Tenor and Soprano have been taking Tae Kwan Do at a local martial arts academy. It's run by a Christian police officer (with a 5th degree black belt) in our area for free! It's been a wonderful blessing for the kids to be active, learn a sport, and fufill our state homeschool PE requirements. Soprano has been too shy to test in front of the whole class so while she's been learning, she hasn't been progressing up the belt ranks. She did finally agree to test just in front of our family and Master Wolfe so she's now a white stripe belt.
Tenor on the other hand has eagerly been testing each time and has worked his way up to being a green stripe. He has earned quite a few belts and we're very rpoud of the effort he's put into it. To honor that, we wanted to put his belts on display.
After checking the web, we thought that we could possibly make our own rack.
Using some scrap trim along with a 1x4 pine board and a dowel.

After I showed Bass what I wanted (something similar to this one), he took over with all the measuring, cutting, fitting, and assembling.
He cut the 1x4 and drilled holes into one side for the dowels to sit in. Then he attached the railing molding to the 1x4. (That molding had a cut out edge on the backside like a cap molding that sits on top of the 1x4.) Then he added the thin casing trim to the bottom of the 1x4.
He made the top and bottom piece the same way except that the holes drilled for the dowel are on the railing molding side on each.
After he assembled (glued and nailed) everything, I painted it with some black paint we had on hand. It happened to be Rustoleum paint so it has a glossy finish. I like it though. It'll work well in Tenor's room. I like the molding that Bass used too since it gives the holder a slight oriental feel.
We wrapped Tenor's belts around the dowels and secured them in the back with a binder clip (like you get at the office supply store.)
Now we just need to add his green belt and make one for Soprano!

Linking up to these great blog parties:
Sunday: Sunday Showcase at Under the Table and Dreaming; 
Tuesday: One Project at a Time at A Bowl Full of Lemons; Tutes and Tips at Home Stories A to Z; Show Me What Ya Got at Not Just a Housewife;
Wednesday: Wicked Awesome Wednesday at Handy Man, Crafty Woman; It's Overflowing at Overflowing with Creativity; Whatever Goes Wednesday at Someday Crafts;
Home Decor and Organizing at Organize and Decorate Everything;
Thursday: Delightfully Inspiring Thursday at Delightful Order; Transformation Thursday at The Shabby Creek Cottage;
Friday: Frugal Friday at The Shabby Nest; Flaunt it Friday at Chic on a Shoestring;


  1. I like the molding that Bass used too since it gives the holder a slight oriental feel.You can also visit:

  2. Yes! That's the look we were going for. A nod to Asian without being over the top. Thanks for stopping by!


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