Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Summer Science - AIG Properties of Matter Unit 1

I respectfully ask that you not pin pictures of my children to Pinterest. Thank you!

Last summer we did all of our botany studies in order to take advantage of our best growing season. It went really well! We got to the second half of our school year and really enjoyed not having science in addition to all of our other work. We still did some review with books, videos, and a lapbook but it was a relief to have slightly less-full days towards the end of our year.
Having that in the back of my mind, I decided that we should do all our science for the 2015-2016 school year over this summer. :)

We're planning to continue with My Father's World family cycle... doing the last year, 1850-Modern Times. The science topics for this year are chemistry and physics related but they are for younger elementary students than my 6th and 8th graders. I decided to continue using Answers in Genesis "God's Design" series curriculum because it's leveled from kindergarten to 8th grade.
I did some fancy scheduling to hit all the topics that MFW would be covering which meant eliminating some of the lessons from these four books:
Properties of Matter
Properties of Atoms and Molecules
Heat and Energy
and Machines and Motion.
In order to keep all the papers together, I set up a 3" 3-ring binder for the youngling and the padawan (Tenor is now a teenager... no longer a youngling. lol). The binder has a reference sheet in the front
and sections for
daily questions: the section where they answer the "What Did We Learn?" and "Taking It Further" questions;
notebooking: worksheets from the Teacher Guide CD-Rom that aren't specifically experiments as well as any other written assignments that don't have worksheets;
experiment sheets: the sheets included on the TG as well as my blank experiment sheet template page;
vocabulary: I made sheets listing all of the "words to know" in the lessons that they write the definitions on;
scientists: They will notebook about each of the scientists in the "Special Feature" sections. I even printed pics of the scientists that they'll add to the sheets;
quizzes and tests: This section has all of the quizzes and tests from the TG. I use them more to review, to make sure they grasped what we learned.

Our first book is AIG's Properties of Matter.
For unit 1, we conducted heat experiments

used the scientific method

and became familiar with the terminology of the metric system.

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