Friday, August 7, 2015

Fairy Garden Fail

I'm not a big fantasy creature fan but I saw a ton of adorable fairy garden ideas floating around the web this year and was inspired to try my own.
I had a big planter that a friend had gifted me before their out-of-state move. I usually just put some annuals in it every year but knew it would be a good start for my fairy garden.
I had ideas. I sketched them out. But like so many of my projects, it didn't turn out nearly as cute as I had imagined it would.
I found a few pieces at various craft stores (the fairy door - JoAnn's; the arch and yellow chair - A.C. Moore; the plants and mini hedgehog at a local nursery).
I broke a terra cotta pot to make a tiered space with a little beach pebble path up to my fairy house. So... the fairy house was a little craft project to fill in until I can afford to buy something. I hot glued shells all over a small, plastic flower pot (turned upside down) and it's tray (set on top of the inverted pot). It looks like a 1st grader did it. Sad. But it was all stuff I had on hand. :)
I need to get a fairy house and a little pond (or seal up the bottom of that mini plant pot), and I'll plan my plants better next year and give it another try. But for now, here's my fairy garden fail.

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