Friday, December 30, 2016

Christmas Craft Show Display

Remember that craft show I mentioned needing Christmas cards for? I thought I'd share how we set things up.
 Honestly, this was kind of a last minute thing, so we didn't really have a plan. We each just shopped our houses and stash to pull this together. We went with a gold base and green and white accents.
I grabbed the milk crates and covers that hold the padawans bedroom Christmas trees to add height.
Free candy and business cards in a little Mason jar
I used some gold musical instrument garland that's been in the attic for ages to dress up the table. My cake plate held some decorative tree candles and a couple cards.
More display cards on picture stands
Bass added thumb tacks and then Tenor ran the twine on our shutter fireplace screen for me to display more cards.
 My friend draped another gold tablecloth over some boxes to display her cards.
I lent her a crate and a birdhouse to add height to the other side of the table and show off her super cute Cricut Christmas tags.
We had a good time spending the day together, but sadly, the show wasn't well advertised and was poorly attended. I learned a couple things about selling cards and have filed the info away in case we have opportunity to do another show.
Do you enjoy shopping at craft shows? Or just browsing them for your own creative ideas?

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