Sunday, July 21, 2019

Homeschool Reading List - 11th Grade Early U.S. History & American Literature

Here is the reading list I put together for my 11th grader. That year they were studying American history up to 1877 so quite a few of these titles fit with that time period. (the + means any title by that author) Enjoy!

Title Author
A Death in the Family Agee, James
A Doll's House Ibsen, Henrik
A Handful of Dust Waugh, Evelyn
A Single Pebble Hersey, John
A Town Like Alice Shute, Nevil
Abraham Lincoln Sandburg, Carl
All Quiet on the Western Front Remarque, Erich
Amazing Adventures of Father Brown Chesterton, G.K.
Americanization of Edward Bok Bok, Edward
And Quiet Flows the Don Sholokhov, Mikhail
Babbitt Lewis, Sinclair
Bleak House Dickens, Charles
Borden of Yale Taylor, Mrs. Howard
Captain Cook's Explorations Cook, James
Charterhouse of Parma + Stendahl
Crime and Punishment Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
Cripps, the Carrier Blackmore, Richard
Darkness at Noon Koestler, Arthur
Darwin's Black Box Behe, Michel
David Copperfield Dickens, Charles
Death Comes for the Archbishop Cather, Willa
Diary and Autobiography of John Adams ed. Butterfield, L.
Doctor Zhivago Pasternak, Boris
Education of Henry Adams Adams, Henry
Emma Austen, Jane
Erewhon Butler, Samuel
Fathers and Sons + Turgenev, Ivan
Four Voyages to the New World Columbus, Christopher
Frankenstein Shelley, Mary
From Basic to Baghdad
How I Found Livingstone Stanley, Sir Henry Morton
Les Miserables Hugo, Victor
Life of George Washington Irving, Washington
Life on the Mississippi Twain, Mark
Little Novels of Sicily Verga, Giovanni
Look Homeward, Angel Wolfe, Thomas
Lord Jim Conrad, Joseph
Martin Chuzzlewitt Dickens, Charles
Master of Ballantrae Stevenson, Robert Louis
Miracle at Philadelphia Bowen, Catherine
Moby Dick + Melville, Herman
North and South Gaskell, Elizabeth
Oregon Trail Parkman, Francis
Our Mutual Friend Dickens, Charles
Poems Dickinson, Emily
Poems Frost, Robert
Poems (The Works of…) Rossetti, Christina
Pygmalion Shaw, George Bernard
Raven: a Biography of Sam Houston James, Marquis
Rob Roy Scott, Sir Walter
Scaramouche Sabatini, Rafael
Servant of Slaves + Irwin, Grace
Sevastopol Sketches + Tolstoy, Leo
Sons and Lovers Lawrence, D.H.
The Brothers Karamazov Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
The Cherry Orchard Chekhov, Anton
The Count of Monte Cristo Dumas, Alexandre
The Covenant + Michener, James
The Crisis Paine, Thomas
The Fault in Our Stars Green, John
The House of Seven Gables +  Hawthorne, Nathaniel
The Journal of George Fox Fox, George
The Journal of John Wesley Wesley, John
The Last of the Mohicans Cooper, James Fenimore
The Life and Diary of David Brainerd Brainerd, David
The Life and Voyages of Columbus Irving, Washington
The Life of Samuel Johnson Boswell, James
The Mill on the Floss Eliot, George
The Picture of Dorian Gray Wilde, Oscar
The Red and the Black Stendahl
The Song at the Scaffold von Le Fort, Gertrud
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Stevenson, Robert Louis
The Virginians + Thackery, William 
Uncle Tom's Cabin Stowe, Harriet Beecher
Up From Slavery Washington, Booker T.
Villette Bronte, Charlotte
Washington Square James, Henry
Wuthering Heights Bronte, Emily

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