Wednesday, January 30, 2013

School Days Summary - The Judges, Ruth, Samuel, and Saul

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A Summary of January 14-25
Some good news and some bad news... First, the good. I finished creating lesson plans through the end of our year. Yea! The bad news... I realized that I didn't allow enough time to get everything done. Some fancy copying and pasting and a little adjusting and I fit everything in. To finish up at the end of May, I decided to double up our MFW weeks this past week.
Here's what we did for school:

Things that were scheduled as usual:
Language Arts (Grammar, Spelling, Penmanship, Reading, and Writing)
Tenor had a week off from writing and then jumped back in to begin the next lesson in his "Ancient History Based Writing Lessons" to correspond with our learning about the Trojan War.
Civics: They read about Sales Clerks.
Geography: They did an Asia worksheet.
Health: Discussing "what is a healthy diet?"

My Father's World Creation to the Greeks-
We completed weeks 18-20 which focused on the time of the judges in the Old Testament as well as Ruth and Samuel.

Bible: We finished memorizing Psalm 23.The younglings each wrote out Psalm 23 at the end and did very well. We also reviewed the Old Testament books and the 10 Commandments.
Science: They finished studying Day 4 of Creation (Sun, moon, and stars) by making match rockets (which didn't work) and making balloon rockets (which did work.) Then they began Day 5 (fish and birds.) They did the see-through egg demonstration 
and the potato sponge experiment.
They used fruit roll-ups to talk about the food chain in the ocean. They tried the squid experiment and did the toolbox classification exercise and bird-watching camouflage game.
The rest of the scheduled experiments they read about with Bass but didn't actually attempt.

History: We read about the Hebrews and people of Canaan. We talked about the civilizations that surrounded the Israelites at that time, the Hittites, the Sea Peoples (who became the Philistines), Aegeans, the Minoans, and the Mycenaeans. We also began our study of ancient Greece by looking at Greek mythology and reading about the Trojan War.

Other MFW: 
Music: We listened to a few more selections by Bach: 4 violin pieces and 2 movements from the Magnificat. We also listened to and compared a clavier piece to 3 harpsichord pieces.
Art: They practiced drawing and shading a flower and other outdoor finds. We also learned about Fra Angelico and practiced drawing clothing, painting scenes for a monastery, and coloring with symbolism.

Web:The Story of Gideon (Children's Bible Story)
The Judges Twelve (song)
Samson (Moody Bible Story)
The Four Traditional Shofar Blasts
The Canaanites
The Hittite Empire
Theseus and the Minotaur
Knossos - the Palace of Minos
Knossos Palace Reconstruction Crete 3D
The Mycenaeans (part 1 and part 2)
The Trojan War (song parody)
The Odyssey (song parody)
The Call of Samuel
Ancient Mysteries Minoans
History of Ancient Greece 1500BC
Ancient Greece 101 - an Empire of City-States
Ancient Greek Music - Delphic Paean
Demeter and Persephone
How Apollo Got His Oracle
Perseus and Medusa

Favorite Books:
Blue Sky Bluebird by Rick Chrustowski
Crinkleroot's 25 Birds Every Child Should Know, Crinkleroot's 25 Fish Every Child Should Know, Crinkleroot's Guide to Knowing Butterflies and Moths, and Crinkleroot's Guide to Knowing the Birds by Jim Arnosky
What Makes a Bird a Bird? by Mary Garelick
I read through a ton of mythology books to pick out titles that were not too graphic, gross, or inappropriate for an 8 and 10 year old. There are a lot of just plain yucky mythology books out there. Here are the titles we ended up choosing from the library this week:
Hercules: The Man, the Myth, the Hero by Kathryn Lasky
King Midas by John Stewig
Persephone and the Pomegranate by Kris Waldherr
The Hero and the Minotaur by Robert Byrd
Theseus and the Minotaur by Warwick Hutton
Theseus and the Minotaur by Leonard Everett Fisher
Here are a few things that looked good but that we didn't get to:
Making a Philistine hat
Homer movie (subscription or free trial needed)

They also had the opportunity to attend a free presentation about Owls in our local area. Part of the talk included being able to dissect an owl pellet. Perfect timing for our bird studies.  

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer, HELLO! I'm so glad I found your blog. found your link from somewhere...anywayI have spent the last probably hour and a half reading all about your school year and your family! I was looking for some others who are using MFW to follow, and I found you! I have thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated all the info you share, especially all the links you posted to the sites you used to supplement, etc. I'm a couple of weeks behind you in my curriculum, so this is just perfect for me to read your blog and see what's ahead! I also have two kiddos, two girls, 8 and 11. We're using MFW for the second year, and are enjoying it. I'm already thinking about next year and trying to make some decisions regarding math and spelling. Would love to talk with you sometime! I am a fellow mom- wife- Christian- who appreciates that you blog about your experience. It was quite helpful today. I look forward to seeing what you did in February! We are beginning reading Ruth tomorrow, and excited about the Trojan Horse story! You can find me on facebook
    Enjoy your week and I can't wait to see your next post pop up in my reader! Blessings to you!
    Tracy Smith


Your kind comments make me smile!