Friday, March 1, 2013

School Days Summary - Saul Blows It So David is Chosen

Floating a boat

A Summary of January 28 - February 8

We've just been plugging along and I haven't had a spare moment to do a school summary. I just realized that I'm a whole month behind. Eek!
Here's a quick look back at what we did in the beginning of January:

Things that were scheduled as usual:
Language Arts (Grammar, Spelling, Penmanship, Reading, and Writing)
Soprano is getting to the rough draft stage on her writing so she's been using her scheduled Typing time to get her story into the computer.

Civics: They read about Delivery People. I even found one book at the library on Delivery People too.
Geography: They did an Australia worksheet.
Health: a worksheet on "My Diet"
PA History: State Insect and State Capitol
I changed my mind (again) about our PA History schedule. Tenor is going to do Switched On Schoolhouse's PA History next year, and I have a simple mid-elementary book on PA for Soprano. So rather than only do half of our current year's book and never finishing it, I'm having them do the whole book this year. The worksheets aren't terribly difficult so it hasn't been a burden on our schedule.

My Father's World Creation to the Greeks-
We completed weeks 21-22 which focused on King Saul and then King David.

Bible: We started learning Psalm 1. The younglings had learned part of it for their Tae Kwan Do class but they hadn't finished. Our first two weeks working on it was more of a review for them. We also reviewed the Old Testament books and Psalm 23. I love how MFW builds the Scripture memory review right into the lesson plans.

Science: More Day 5 (fish and birds) science these past two weeks.
They tried the fish swim bladders eye-dropper experiment but it didn't work well. We think that our eye-dropper was made from a material that was too light-weight.
The 'Sinking or Floating' wasn't so great either. Bass postulated that perhaps the properties of aluminum foil have changed since the science book was published in 1997. The younglings got the idea anyway.

The younglings loved the 'Start Your Soup Cans' demonstration. Here's where our cans ended up:

Those experiments finished up the fish and birds section so they began the animals and people (Day 6) chapter. The two scheduled lessons were more than we wanted to tackle so they only read them.

History: We spent time studying how King Saul turned away from following the Lord which led to Samuel anointing David as the future king. We then jumped into stories of David's life: playing for Saul, defeating Goliath, befriending Jonathan, running and hiding from Saul, marrying Abigail, and sparing Saul's life. David is one of my favorite Bible characters so I enjoyed spending time studying him. Along with that era of Jewish history, we looked at the early Russians and the Scythians.

We continued reading a chapter a day in the Children's Homer. The names are, um, definitely challenging but I'm trying to consistently butcher them. The story itself is really interesting. The younglings are doing extremely well in following the plot and characters.

Other MFW: 
Music: We listened to more pieces by Bach. These two weeks are the last of our time with Bach.
Art: They practiced drawing a portrait of me. Let's just say it's a good thing I love my children. They did a great job drawing dragons and a recreation of St. Michael Slaying the Dragon.

King Saul (What's in the Bible Vol.5)
Saul and David (What's in the Bible Vol. 5)

Favorite Books:
Thunder Birds by Jim Arnosky
The Magic School Bus: The Fishy Field Trip by Joanna Cole
David and Goliath by Leonard Everett Fisher
Again for this week, I read through a ton of mythology books to pick out titles that were not too graphic, gross, or inappropriate for an 8 and 10 year old. There are a lot of just plain yucky mythology books out there. Here are the titles we ended up choosing from the library this week:
Atalanta's Race: A Greek Myth by Shirley Climo
Jason and the Golden Fleece by Leonard Everett Fisher
Odysseus and the Cyclops by Warwick Hutton
Pegasus by Marianna Mayer
The Gods and Goddesses of Olympus by Aliki (a good overview)
Another week without many pics... I'll try to get more in the next few weeks.

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