Monday, April 16, 2018

2017-2018 Homeschool Curricula Choices for 10th Grade

Two posts in one day??? Shocking, I know. :)
I sort of talked about where the blog has disappeared to over in this post about Soprano's curricula.

This post will shift to what Tenor has been using for his sophomore year of homeschool.
{Yeah, sophomore. 10th grade. Two years left. I am not old enough for that to be happening so obviously I'm stuck in some sort of weird, Doctor Who-esque time paradox type thing. ;) }

Whether I'm prepared for it or not, here are Tenor's courses.

Math: Saxon Advanced Math
In this edition of the book, we are able to count it as two credits. The first half of the book is Geometry with Advanced Algebra. The second half of the book is Trigonometry with Pre-Calculus.
Fortunately, Tenor has been rocking this out and has needed practically zero help from me. (Which is great because despite my absolute surety that I'm not *that* old, it has been a seriously long time since I've done Trig or Calculus.)
English/Bible/History/Geography: My Father's World - World History and Literature
We're sticking with MFW. The biblical worldview is integrated extremely well; the literature selections are thought-provoking without being controversial or edgy; the composition instruction is thorough; and the overall package is put together very well.
Plus Tenor got to read Pride and Prejudice this year, which meant I got to watch that yummy 6-hour A&E movie version with him. :)
While I also assigned him a required literature list, MFW gave some great suggestions too. He's been trying to read through as many as possible.
Science: Bass planned an Arduino programming course for Tenor that involves lots of little wire bits floating around the family room. LOL The resources he's using include:
Arduino Cookbook by Michael Margolis
Introduction to Arduino: A Piece of Cake PDF
Programming Arduino: Getting Started with Sketches by Simon Monk
and SparkFun Inventor’s Kit and Guide v3.3 (

Foreign Language: Hey, Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek! Level 6
Music/Art: Harmony Fine Arts 10th grade plans

Personal Finance: Foundations in Personal Finance by Dave Ramsey
This one, Soprano and Tenor are going through together. It's been helpful to be studying it at the same time. The course says it is for homeschool but there are several 'class' activities that didn't translate well to only two students.
Geography: North Star Geography
Yup, we did this together too, starting last summer to make the schedule not so full in the fall. Soprano kept up very well.
Logic: Art of Argument
This was a much better logic course for Tenor than last year's Fallacy Detective/Thinking Toolbox.
Career Exploration: Understanding God's Calling and Career Exploration from 7 Sisters Homeschooling
Throw in Driver's Ed this spring plus his Taekwondo practices and youth group plus church's been a busy (and very good) year.

Do any of you have a student that has seemingly grown-up overnight? What are you using for high school curricula?

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